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Fitness Goals and Bucket Lists That Boost Motivation

What kind of fitness goals do you have? What is it that motivates you to achieve those goals? Having goals to achieve along with some sort of motivation is absolutely key to being successful in your fitness journey and is what will keep you doing it for the long haul.

 As with anything in life, if you are missing that drive to achieve something and it isn’t fun for you, it is going to be much harder for you to accomplish it. If you are doing something you love, you will make time for it, do it more often, and will achieve your goals much faster because you will continue pursuing it.  So how do you set fitness goals that will spark your long term motivation?

Performance Goals Are Great for Short Term Results But…

In your fitness journey there are two kinds of goals: performance goals and mastery goals. An example of a  performance goal would be running a 10k or getting to 18% body fat, which are great goals to have!   The problem is that performance goals don’t always strike interest the way mastery goals do and if there is no interest there once you achieve your goal, what is motivating you to keep going?  Because of this, it is also important to have a list of mastery goals. 

Mastery Goals Are Key to Motivation & A Healthy Lifestyle

Mastery goals tend to be more engaging, they require learning a skill (such as snowboarding or swimming). Unlike performance goals, mastery goals are more fun and appealing and therefore are easier to continue long term. 

So while performance goals are great for achieving short term fitness success and helping us reach bigger goals that we have, it’s good to balance them out with mastery goals that will keep you on your fitness journey for the long run.

Check out the lists of performance and mastery goals in the pic and use them to create your own fitness bucket lists that will help you stay on track with both short term and long term health and fitness goals.  When combined into a well rounded workout plan, your motivation to keep living a fit healthy lifestyle will be endless.