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Plant Based vs Paleo Diet Macros & Tips

In our last diet macros post we compared Keto to Mediterranean which was a very extreme comparison.  So for this post we’re comparing Paleo vs Plant Based, two diets that are closer in macros and in ease of adjusting to your body and needs. Is there even a difference once you start crunching the carb numbers?

Why would anybody want to eat that much protein? Ask some clients. While others ask: How the heck do some eat so many vegetables?  The reality with more traditional low carb diets like Paleo or Plant Based diets that are not quite vegan is that the percentages don’t look that different until you get into the grams of it.  

What’s The Difference Between Paleo & Plant Based Diets In Grams?

Based on a 1400 calorie a day diet for a moderately active small to medium build female the numbers look as follows:

Plant Based Non Vegan 1400 calories per day

  • 1400 x 60% = 840 calories divided by 4 grams carbs = 210 grams 

  • 1400 x 20% = 280 calories divided by 9 grams fat = 31 grams

  • 1400 x 20% = 280 = calories divided by 4 grams protein = 70 grams 

Paleo Traditional 1400 calories per day

  • 1400 x 40% = 560 calories divided by 4 grams carbs = 140 grams

  • 1400 x 30% = 420 calories divided by 9 grams fat = 46 grams

  • 1400 x 30% = 420 calories divided by 4 grams protein = 105 grams

**Aren’t you glad you have fitness nerds to do all this number crunching for you so you can just focus on crunchin the right number of carbs, fat and protein!    

Is It The High Carb or The High Protein That’s The Issue?

So at first glance it appears that the carbs are the biggest difference but if you look at the protein that is also considerably different and only the fat grams are closer to each other in grams.  If you tried a plant based diet and felt that it was close to working but not quite then adjusting the carbs and fat might get you to that sweet spot.

On the other hand if you were on a traditional low carb diet and felt the protein or fat was just a bit much for you then dialing those down while increasing carbs a bit could get you to your ideal eating.  So how would you adjust without having to crunch numbers for days on end? And does making small adjustments even matter?

Top 5 Questions to Ask To Adjust Your Diet to Fit Your Needs

The main things to consider when tweaking your diet macros are:

  1. Activity level - Are you active enough to burn off a higher level of carbs?

  2. Type of exercise - Are you lifting so hardcore that you need that much protein?

  3. Carb utilization - Is it compromised due to diabetes or other health issues?

  4. Satiety levels - Do you need more protein or fat to feel full and satisfied?

  5. Overall Preferences - Do you just prefer to eat more plants than protein or vice versa?

All these factors matter a lot and there are countless diet macro calculators online that can do the number crunching for you to help you figure it out but honestly the most useful tool for finding your ideal diet is DNA testing.  

A DNA test will tell you exactly what grams of what foods your unique body needs so you don’t have to waste a bunch of time crunching numbers then experimenting for years to get it right.  If I had a DNA option 20 years ago I probably would’ve been a bit skeptical but tried it anyway just out of complete frustration that neither paleo nor plant based worked for some of my clients.  

The reality is that the right calories of the right macronutrients will get you to your goal so much faster with fewer setbacks and no experimenting required. And if you’ve somehow already experimented to the point of figuring out your macros but want that confirmation because your body is shifting then DNA testing can also provide those macro ranges so you can focus on what matters and stop stressing about being on a diet or about how much carbs, protein, and fat to eat.

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