Stronger Butt Glute Activation Exercises

Stronger Butt Glute Activation Exercises

You want a stronger butt so you can do those epic hikes without pain, perform better in your favorite sports or activities or just do basic household chores or yard work without losing your balance, falling down and smashing your face on a hard table or a cactus? Just add these quick glute activation exercises to your warm up for stronger butt workout results.   

Glute Activation Exercises for Stronger Butt Injury Prevention Rehab & More!

You are going to need 4 pieces of gear for this workout including a wall or chair, foam roller or yoga block, gliders and towel, and a booty band with medium to hard resistance (the thick ones or cloth ones work best and are easy to find on amazon).   

Warm Up for 5 minutes with mobility work or cardio and then perform 6-8 reps of each move listed below.  All the tips and tricks are in the video and are super important for getting the best result from glute activation work.

  1. Side lying wall abduction with glider

  2. Single leg wall bridge with foam roll or block

  3. Foam roller bridge push

  4. Static side lunge with gliders

  5. Standing banded wall kickback

Why Props Are A Must with Glute Activation Exercises

If you are new to glute activation and have serious hip or back issues due to weak glutes then  you may have the same problem that many clients I work with have which is you feel absolutely nothing when doing regular glute bridges and side lying clamshells which is quite common regardless of the fact that butt research suggests these two moves as the best for glute rehab. There’s research and then there’s reality right!

Using props as I show in the video will not only keep things more interesting but will really focus your attention on all the muscles you need to be using when doing glute activation work.  Props especially focus your awareness on that “butt squeeze” that you’ll see me feeling for in the video.  Props also do an amazing job of eliminating the cheating that happens as a result of faulty movement patterns caused by posture imbalances and injuries. And they work to activate your core better too plus they are so inexpensive and fun.

All the workouts in my Essential Movement Plan show you how to work with props to restore glute and core function.

How Modern Life & Cardio Contribute to Lazy Butt Syndrome

The reality of our daily life is that even active people spend a lot of time sitting and when they do exercise they mainly focus on cardio or activities that work the front of the body (cycling running, walking, cardio machines, leg machines, etc.)  The combination of a modern day sedentary lifestyle along with too much quad dominant exercises is a primary reasons the butt is so dormant and hardly even works to stabilize you when you do move around.  

If you find that you are constantly losing your balance and getting clumsier as you get older then more glute and posterior chain work is a must!. My Essential Movement Workout Plan and workout videos focus on that plenty so be sure to get started with that if you need help with all this.

Here’s More Reasons Why Basic Glute Activation Moves Rarely Work!

In the video below another youtube experts discuses ALL the reasons the clamshell is the most over-rated butt exercise and she features a non prop version of my side lying abduction too which obviously would be much improved with a prop so be sure to get that towel or glider under your foot when doing it.

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