Simple exercises to fix hip and shoulder pain

Simple exercises to fix hip and shoulder pain

Are you struggling with chronic hip pain or shoulder pain? You’ve been to the doctor and were told that nothing is torn or damaged and “it’s just normal as you age”. Maybe your doctor said you have tendinitis, bursitis, or arthritis which is also “normal as you age”. Basically the only answer you’ve been given is that you’re getting old and you have to deal with this type of thing and maybe go do some stretches. Frustrating! I know.

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I’ve heard these types of stories from clients so much in the past few years and even heard a doctor tell me the same when my hip started acting up in my early 40s. The thing is it’s not normal to just feel aches and pains as you get older. The reason so many of us do has more to do with dysfunctional movement patterns, posture imbalances, and common issues such as motor amnesia of the core, glutes and upper back which can all be fixed with simple exercises using bands, foam rollers, balls, and bodyweight.

There are so many ways to fix hip and shoulder pain that it would amaze you but today I just want to share a few of my favorite exercises that work wonders on a majority of my clients…

Just one good session of these moves with a foam roller makes a big difference for them and can truly change how you feel plus make you very aware of what needs to happen from this point forward for you to start feeling good on a regular basis.

As one of my favorite fitness teachers said “you are only as young as your spine” and your spine alignment is all based on muscle interactions so let’s get started fixing that.

Easy Foam Roller Exercises to Fix Hips & Shoulders

Warm up with 5 min. of cardio or easy bodyweight exercises then perform 6-8 repetitions of each exercise (on each side) for just one round. Watch the video for more detailed instructions.

  1. Rotational Windmill with Foam Roller *towel or strap both work in place of roller

  2. Dynamic Hip Hinge Knee Bend with Foam Roller *wall or high counter works too

  3. Dynamic Pyramid Toe Raises with Foam Roller *hands on wall or high counter works

  4. Forward Fold Knee Bends with Foam Roller *chair works too

  5. Deep Lunge Butt Kicks with Foam Roller *yoga blocks work too

  6. Kneeling Hamstring Push Ups with Foam Roller *yoga blocks work too

  7. Deep Lunge Shoulder Blade Squeeze with Foam Roller *yoga blocks work too

  8. Runner Lunge Side Bend Reach with Foam Roller *chair works too

  9. Bent Leg Wipers Backbend with Foam Roller *rolled up blanket or mats work too

The video also includes some gear modifications in case you don’t have a foam roller and it’s only 8 min. long which is about how long this type of routine should take. If you need more help correcting posture issues and dysfunctional movement patterns that are causing pain be sure to contact me to set up some sessions. Your assessment is included with any package you choose.

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