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Salt and sugar cravings blocking your results?

Frustrated with your inability to fight salt and sugar cravings?  Cravings are very powerful and can make it impossible to stay consistent with healthy eating behaviors.  They often become a vicious cycle that goes something like this:  Crave - Resist - Crave More - Give In - Feel Unsatisfied - Feel Guilty - Banish "Bad Foods" - Crave Again and Repeat.  

What your cravings are really trying to tell you is…

The lesson you think you need to learn is to be stronger and more resistant against the cravings but as the saying goes "what you resist persists".  But what if instead of resisting, you reframe cravings and utilize them as an opportunity to learn more about what your body needs?  What are those cravings trying to tell you?  Are your cravings trying to tell you one of the following?:

  • Are you in desperate need of hydration daily?

  • Are you lacking certain nutrients: protein, vitamins, minerals, in your meals?

  • Are you sleep deprived or experiencing very high levels of stressed?

  • Are you bored, lonely, sad, angry, anxious, hyper, over-stimulated?

  • Are you eating unbalanced meals or living an unbalanced life?

  • Are you constantly exposed to junk food on social media, TV, while driving or walking around?

  • Are you on the wrong diet plan or eating the wrong foods for your unique DNA?

We may live in very modern times where we are connected to everyone and everything but we are mostly living in a time where we are very disconnected to our own bodies and what our bodies need to be healthy and truly happy.  So maybe a craving for peanut butter cups like the one I was having last week that honestly felt very odd to me was really about needing to make a different type of smoothie and shift it to a different time of day. 

That is really what my body was telling me and there are reasons for that but had I not stopped to think about why I was craving a candy that I never crave then I would not have made that connection. I would not have realized that my body was saying "YAY!  you finally gave up coffee after 20 years of extreme coffee addiction and now you need a healthy superfood later in the day to fill that gap so you don't go back to that caffeine addiction." 

So what are you cravings trying to tell you?  Do you know what nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body is deficient in?  Do you know what habits or experiences are missing from your life?  You can stop feeling bad about cravings and instead start using them to get healthier!   Need to fix your craving issues? Message me to find out how to incorporate Fitness Nutrition and Behavior Modification strategies into your health and fitness plan.

PB Chocolate Shake Recipe

1 frozen banana

1/4 cup blueberries

8 oz water

1 scoop chia seeds

1 scoop chocolate green superfoods

1 scoop bone broth chocolate protein powder

Use 4 settings to make it super creamy. First grate then blend then puree then whip. Utilizing all your blender settings makes the best smoothies and shakes ever!

Need More Delicious Nutritous Smoothie Recipes?

Get Started with the 3 Day Superfoods Detox download at my shop here