All Levels HIIT Cardio

All Levels HIIT Cardio

Having a fat loss emergency? Need to lose fat and fit into that special outfit for an event that’s just around the corner? Whether you have 5 weeks or just 5 days a challenging HIIT Cardio Workout can definitely help any person of any fitness level. My top 7 secrets for rapid body transformation are listed below and have worked for all my female clients who are committed to looking great for their special event.

Top 3 Secrets for Rapid Fatloss Transformation

HIIT Cardio Daily - Just 4 min. a day can really turn up the burn but if you can handle 15-20 min. per day that’s even better!

HIIT Cardio 2x Per Day - If you want to increase your fat burning then twice a day HIIT will work wonders and all you need is two 4 min. sessions in the a.m. or p.m. but two 10 min. sessions is even better!

fit eats coach transformation.png

Focus on Posture - Fixing your posture can visibly take 5-10 lb off your appearance. It may not affect the scale in any way but you will look fantastic in your dress you and everybody else will swear you lost more fat weight than you did. This pic of my client that worked with me for 5 weeks is the perfect example of this. Bit of weight loss, reasonable fat loss, huge posture improvement. What a difference right!

Stretch Often - This goes along with tip 3 and especially important if you’re upping your workout intensity. Tight tense muscles wreck your posture AND your ability to keep training with enough intensity to burn fat so don’t skip the stretching. Just 10 min. a day is great but longer is better!

Quit The Dairy - Want to release tons of water bloat? losing the dairy is the fastest way to do this. It works and the visible impact from this will amaze you.

Replace The Starches - Yes even though I’m not a fan of low carb there are times when cutting the carbs can be a good strategy but instead of replacing with high fats and high proteins, try replacing with tons of water packed veggies. and a few fruits.

Detox Detox Detox - There are countless ways to detox from greens drinks to 3 day food detoxes and herbal teas and you may want to consider one of these methods. The key thing here is don’t starve yourself because you need maintenance level calories to burn fat.

Got questions on rapid fat loss transformations like the one pictured above? Ask me in comments or book some sessions and let’s get you ready for that special event.

ALL Levels HIIT Cardio Workout

Let’s just get one thing out in the open, this is going to burn! But if you can just get past the discomfort the transformation you get from HIIT will amaze you. Here’s two ways to do HIIT so you don’t get bored or end up with repetitive movement injuries.

Machine Cardio - Jump on a Bike or Elliptical and push quick start. Why not the treadmill? Because a treadmill takes too long to adjust between intervals and you’re going to want to be able to quickly change both resistance and speed to get the most out of this workout.

Set your resistance to moderate so on a bike maybe a 3-5 and on elliptical 4-7 then go at a moderate pace for 2 minutes to warmup then increase your resistance and begin your intervals for 10 min. **these are just guidelines by the way. You CAN go harder if you like.

30 seconds resistance 8-10 fast pace THEN 30 seonds resistance 5-7 moderate pace and repeat until your 10 minutes are up then cool down for 2 minutes at a slower pace. During your hard fast intervals you should feel like you’re working at 8 out of 10 rate of perceived exertion (in other words hard as hell) and on your moderate intervals you should feel like you’re working at 6 or 7 rate of perceived exertion so much easier but still not easy.

Bodyweight HIIT Cardio - Perform all the exercises listed below for number of reps indicated and DO NOT take breaks between exercises or circuits if possible. Go As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) at a pace that feels safe for 15-20 minutes. If you’re advanced you’ll probaby get 6 rounds. If you’re more beginner to intermediate you’ll probably get 4 rounds.

  • 5 Assist Pullups or Lawnmower Rows with heavier dumbbell or kettlebell

  • 10 Star Jumps or Jumping Jacks

  • 20 Reverse Lunge Medicine Ball Slams

  • 30 Mountain Climbers

  • 40 Banded Lateral Leaps

Need help with your rapid fat loss transformation for that upcoming event? Contact me for quick plan options and lets get you looking amazing in that special outfit!

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