Essential Stretches for A Pain Free Fit Body

Essential Stretches for A Pain Free Fit Body

“What stretch should I do to get rid of pain in my {insert body part here] ?” This is in my top five of questions I get asked by friends, family, complete strangers at the park, and new clients. The answer can be complicated but the solution is often so simple and requires just a few minutes a day.

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Essential Stretches Most People Need

There are 4 stretch patterns that are key to lengthening the body and getting release from tight achy muscles. These 4 patterns are similar to the 7 movement patterns in Essential Movement Workout Plan and include: Bend, Lunge, Twist, and Fold . These 4 stretch patterns are sufficient to target the calves, hamstrings, glutes, lats, chest, quads, abs, and neck.

Just like exercises there are hundreds of stretches and variations that all do similar things and you don’t need to complicate your life with ALL the stretches to get relief and improve flexibility and fitness levels. In the two videos below I included a few stretch variations that are also featured in my Essential Stretch Guide. Both the guide and the videos include all the effective stretch tips listed below too.

Yoga Flow & Dynamic Stretch for Intermediates to Advanced

Biggest Obstacles to Stretching for Pain Relief

The top reasons people say they don’t stretch even when their trainer, physical therapist, doctor, etc. has suggested they get on a regular stretch routine:

  1. It’s time consuming

  2. It’s complicated

  3. It’s so boring

  4. It doesn’t do anything

  5. It hurts more than it helps

The truth about stretching is that just 5-10 minutes a day of essential stretching can be even more beneficial than than one long yoga class done every now and then. The right stretches done consistenly for long periods of time can heal aches and pains, help you recover faster from workouts and improve your overall strength and endurance.

In the video above you can choose from a 4 minute 9 minute or 18 minute practice and experience this truth for yourself. You can also try my beginner stretch routine if you need something easier for your body and if you need an effective warm up before stretch on days you are not strength training be sure to start with my mobility training workout for better fitness and a better body.

Simple Stretch for Beginners

Simple Tips for Quick Easy Stretching

  1. Stretch At The End of Your Workout - This way it just becomes part of your exercise routine and also ensures your body is warmed up and ready to release tension.

  2. Set A Timer for 5-10 Minutes - This is the best trick to stay committed to a routine that is going to make a difference. Any more is usually not necessary and any less just won’t help you at all.

  3. Hold Each Stretch for 3-5 Deep Breaths - Focusing on the breath takes your mind off the time and helps your body release tension more easily plus shifts your body into healing mode.

  4. Try Dynamic Stretch Strategies to Boost Results - Contract Release, Self Myofacial Release Stretch, PNF Stretch, Etc.

  5. Tie Your Stretch Routine To Another Habit - Add a stretch to your coffee waiting time, add a stretch or two to your TV watching time, add a stretch to your phone call/office meetting/plane ride/zoom call (hey nobody has to know you’re doing it). Be flexible with how and when you stretch.

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