DNA Diet Fitness Plans Info Offers and Q&A

DNA Diet Fitness Plans Info Offers and Q&A

DNA diet and fitness plans are becoming more mainstream and while some people prefer to experiment with diets and workouts until they figure out what works for them, other people are finding that genetic testing for healthy lifestyle change is far more effective, motivating, and sustainable long term.  Here’s what it’s all about and what you can expect when you sign up for this type of plan:

Who Benefits from DNA Diet and Fitness plans?

For a long time it was mostly athletes who were using these DNA plans to tweak their diets and workout routines to perfection which makes sense considering how even the smallest adjustment to your diet or workout can block progress or speed up results.  Nowadays all types of people are getting genetic testing to take the guesswork out of healthy lifestyle habits.  

So anybody who is not sure how to eat and train themselves can benefit greatly from knowing A LOT more about their body.  Successful health and fitness is just much easier when you know the best foods to eat to be healthy, what types of workouts benefit your unique body best, plus how often to do them and what types of recovery, vitamins, and motivation are necessary for your unique genetics. 

How Is DNA Coaching Different to Personal Training?

The main thing that differentiates DNA Coaching from One on One Training is there is a lot more information about your body which helps create more individualized health and fitness plans.  In Personal Training we have countless assessments at our disposal to determine what a client needs and while they are incredibly helpful they do not tell us some of the most important things like whether a client will lose more weight by eating more protein or whether protein is irrelevant to their results and they need to look at their B or C vitamin intake instead.

The genetic testing company that ISSA has chosen for Certified DNA Coaches offers various reports on dozens of traits and here are a few pictures of what those look like. Some are more athlete focused others more weight loss or health and longevity focused. You get to choose your reports.

What Does DNA Diet and Fitness Plan Coaching Cost?

DNA diet and fitness plans are becoming more popular and prices can vary a lot. Some companies offer basic analysis of a few traits along with a nutrition plan for as little as $100. Other companies offer premium plans with support for $450 or premium memberships for $12.99 per month. The cost of our plans fall somewhere in between all the others. Shop our DNA plan options here.

More Frequently Asked Questions:

What Happens with the DNA Kit?

The kit is very easy to use. It actually has step by step instructions with pics right on the cover and once your cheek swab is mailed to the lab the wait is about 3 weeks for your report which is delivered to your email and also sent to your trainer. The DNA sample is then destroyed by the lab and nobody ever has access to your report except you and your trainer. 

The reports are actually so detailed that you’ll probably be excited to show it to anybody that is willing to look at it and listen to you go on about it for a while because all the information in there is so amazing to read! It’s like a user's manual for your body.

How Does This Compare to 23andMe?

23 and me are more focused on ancestry, physical traits and diseases so their diet and fitness testing doesn’t compare to what our DNA kit tests.  Their closest reports to ours are:

  • Caffeine Consumption

  • Deep Sleep

  • Genetic Weight

  • Muscle Composition

  • Saturated Fat and Weight

I have yet to see any other genetic testing company with the extensive reporting on health and fitness traits that ours provides which is why it was chosen by the ISSA for it’s certification program.  I’m happy to answer more questions about all this awesome testing in your consultation.   

Do DNA Diet and Fitness Plans Work for Young Adults or Seniors?

One of the questions that I was asked recently was whether the age of a person matters.  Does a younger person who naturally has a much faster metabolism even benefit from testing?  How about an older person who’s going from sedentary to active.  Isn’t just any type of exercise and healthy eating going to work?  In both cases there is much benefit to starting off on the right track. 

There’s a saying in fitness that getting healthy and fit is easy but maintaining is the hard part and that is 100% true.  So beginners of any age would especially benefit from knowing what is best long term while advanced exercisers will benefit from knowing how to adjust things that may no longer be working or that have never worked at all.

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