DNA Workout Results Tips

DNA Workout Results Tips

How do you implement your DNA workout recommendations in ways that are practical for your busy life?  These quick tips will help you make sense of all your workout data you received in your DNA report.  This is when human interpretation of science and technology generated info is essential for body transformation success.

Step 1:  What If You Feel Overwhelmed By ALL Your DNA Data?

First take a breath and know that it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed with so much info about yourself.  Once you acknowledge that it’s a lot to learn about yourself you’ll want to take time to set smart health and fitness goals.  Decide what aspects of your health and fitness matter most to you right now and list them in order of importance.  Knowing exactly what matters most along with the outcome you want will help you understand your DNA data with more purpose.

Step 2:  How Does Your Current Plan Compare to Your DNA Plan? 

If you keep a workout journal or fitness tracking sheets then this is a good time to compare what you have been doing to what your DNA workout plan recommends.  How close are you to your DNA workout recommendations?  Maybe you have no plan at all and are just doing random workouts or maybe your plan is super rigid and has not changed in 20 years. 

Both are common situations and both will clue you in to how much planning or change lies ahead.  You may need to make a few small tweaks to your plan or make huge shifts in your training and eating.   Comparing will help you make adjustments more easily but if you have not been tracking don’t worry about this step and continue with step 3.

Step 3:  When Your DNA Workout Report Feels A Bit Much!

Does your report say you need to strength train 6 days a week and do 300+ minutes of cardio activity per week?  Yeah, I hear you on the reality of this demand but think about this for a minute…How many hours a day do you spend sitting or laying down?  How much of your sedentary time is spent sleeping or working?  How much of that sedentary time is spent on other activities that have no health benefits?  

Really take a look at the current state of your body, your habits, your goals and your data and ask yourself if there are habits in your life that can easily be replaced by activity that will benefit your health and fitness so you can reach your goals.  Once you find those time slots you’ll want to divide up your exercise time in a way that fits your lifestyle.  Here’s how a suggested 300 minute a week cardio with 3 days of strength training might look like for you:

  • Sunday 120 minute hike or bike and quick SMR session *moderate to hard

  • Monday 20 min. HIIT run and 20 minutes circuit training *harder intensity

  • Tuesday 50 min. bike and 10 min. quick stretches  *moderate

  • Wednesday 25 min. cardio warmup and 15 min. corrective functional raining *restorative

  • Thursday 35 min. total body HIIT and 10 min. Stretch *moderate to harder intensity

  • Friday 40 minute cardio 20 min. circuit training *moderate to hard

  • Saturday  10 min. cardio warmup 10 min. Pilates or yoga stretch *restorative

Some Days Will Be Longer and Moderate Others Hard but Quick…

Some days you can exercise for longer periods of time and others you can be done in under 20 minutes.  Some days will be harder and more intense, others will be moderate intensity or more restorative.  If you prefer a few days of no training then you can always mix things up differently and aim for fewer workouts of longer duration.  

There are many ways to make your DNA workout recommendations work for you.  It’s just a matter of being flexible with your time and having a more flexible mindset about your training options.    Need more help implementing your DNA diet or fitness results into your weekly routine?  You can book DNA training sessions with me here. 

A Few Last Things to Consider

It’s really important to look at the bigger picture of your DNA results. It’s not just about workout duration or intensity or type. You should also plan around your motivation genetics as well as your DNA diet recommendations. Both your mindset and your diet can have a big impact on results. If you are willing to work smarter on other areas of your health and fitness then you may be able to cut down on workout time or intensity etc. It’s all about using your DNA data to make choices that makes sense for you.

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