Behavior Change Talk That Gets Results

Behavior Change Talk That Gets Results

If a person is always talking about changing their lifestyle to become healthier, do you think it’s just talk or do you think they can actually change?  Believe it or not, talking consistently and positively about a change you want to make in your life is a large indicator that it will actually happen!

When someone understands the necessity of change for a healthy lifestyle, has the desire to change, and begins to talk openly about it with others they are engaging in what is called “change talk”.  The type of change talk which expresses the desire, need, and motivation for change, even when you aren’t actually doing anything about it yet, is called preparatory change talk.

Although someone may want better lifestyle habits and has the desire to change, this does not necessarily mean change will happen. But, when you openly express those desires instead of being embarrassed and hiding your thoughts, it goes a long way toward making sure it will actually happen.

The Type of Change Talk That Predicts Positive Behavior Changes

According to the psychologist Paul Armhein who conducts research regarding the language of behavioral change, change talk which is “action-oriented” and specific about steps to take towards change, is better than preparatory change talk, and is what will really predict commitment to change in a person.

This action-orientated change talk is a huge component of a person committing and implementing changes towards a healthy lifestyle. The more you expresses the desire to change and talk about the steps you will take to change, the more likely change is going to happen. Action-oriented talk will help sustain the commitment to change in a person’s lifestyle, and because consistency is so important in your fitness journey, it is essential.

Change Talk and Negative Self Talk

Change talk can express any emotion about change from motivation, excitement, and confidence to uncertainty, worry and doubt. Just as positive change talk we discussed earlier can affect the commitment to change and the performance of change, negative change talk can affect how a person changes just as much. It can be degrading and discouraging to the person which can affect a person’s efficiency and how much one can achieve.

People who are more positive about change and express the commitment to change more often are more likely to succeed in changing. So feel free to talk about your goals and the changes you want to make in life, but try to keep it mostly positive. Don’t focus too much on the bad things you want to change, place your sights on the good things that are going to happen from your healthy behavior changes.

Need More Behavior Change Strategies That Get You Results?

Grab your free copy of our new Fit Healthy Body Guide that includes 21 Success Strategies that work with any exercise or eating plan.

If you struggle to stay on track beyond just a few weeks or months and find yourself quitting and starting over and over and over then these strategies can really turn things around for you.

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