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Detox Workout and Detox Superfoods Meal Plan

The human body is an amazing thing.  It constantly detoxifies through various organs.  It clenases, repairs and rebuilds itself at all hours of the day especially when you’re sleeping.  But how efficient it is at detoxing depends a lot on your nutrition and exercise routine.  Some foods are going to improve all your detoxing systems while others will increase toxicity and make all those processes much harder.  The same goes for workouts.  Some will drain you instead of train you and some will break you down instead of build you up.   

The workout featured here was designed to work with my new 3 Day Detox Superfoods Meal Plan that will get your nutrition on point so you can get amazing results from your time spent exercising.  It’s quick, simple and can be done 1-2 times a day during the detox then a couple of times a week post detox when you start adding certain foods back in.

How The Body Detoxes & How Exercise Assists With Detoxification

The main goal of a detox workout is to “assist the natural detoxing systems to flush out toxins in various ways. Exercise increases blood flow promoting better circulation to pump white blood cells through the body and help organs cleanse themselves effectively.”   Even the brain detoxes at night and exercise helps that process too.

So while you can not flush out toxins through sweating as some claim, exercising the right way will help to optimize your lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and brain so they can detox more effectively. 

Detox Workout Instructions

The key with a detox workout while you are on a detox meal plan is not going overboard with intensity.  Some intensity is good but too much does the complete opposite which we will get into in a future blog post on inflammation, cortisol and weekend warrior syndrome. 

Start with a Walk Bike or Jog for a minimum of 5 minutes at a moderate pace.  No need to get crazy with intervals but you could warm up longer and add mobility work if you like. Some people like 10-20 minutes of warm up and that’s perfectly fine too.

Bodyweight Circuit - 10-20  reps of each move for 3-4 rounds moving continuously at a steady pace.  No rest until all your reps and rounds are done.  The last exercise in the circuit is a recovery move so you should be able to keep moving without rest until done. Also since this isn’t hardcore hiit with weights or a time limit like an AMRAP workout there is no need to get all crazy with your tempo. The point here is to push your body safely, breathe harder than normal, boost circulation, and break a sweat to assist all that detoxing without triggering a high cortisol or inflammation response.

  • Straddle Thrust Jack

  • Reverse Lunge Hop

  • Kick Butt Run In Place

  • Lateral Leap Curtsey

  • Twisting Pike

  • Banded Rotational Walk

Finish up with Yoga Flow for 5 minutes without taking breaks.  Move through basic poses with really good form.  The sweat from this alone might surprise you but remember the point is just to work at a steady pace, breathe deep and boost circulation to assist the respiratory and circulatory systems in detoxing.  Use the video below from my previous blog or try my Beginner Stretch instead.

Simple Yoga Flow for Fat Loss