Self Myofascial Release Tools and Tips

Self Myofascial Release Tools and Tips

In the last decade the self myofascial release tools market has exploded with products to help you release tension, rehab injuries, speed up recovery and boost performance. So which of the hundreds of tools out there should you invest your time and money into?

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A quick search on amazon for SMR tools brings up page after page of products including foam rollers of various densities and textures, vibrating balls, spiky balls, massage sticks and canes, massage guns and prods plus many other bizarre looking contraptions that look like something out of a Medieval torture room.  

The options are endless so how do you choose a tool that will help you with your unique health and fitness goals? Here’s what I’ve discovered after using quite a few of these tools on clients with severe pain and posture challenges or sports injuries.  It’s simple and you will absolutely get relief.

What to Ask Before You Choose An SMR Tool

  1. What Is Your Budget?

Tools can range from $20 for a 6 piece kit with guide to $300 for percussive deep tissue Theraguns. I’ve even seen tools for $600! And the truth is that budget tools and more expensive tools both work if used consistently and correctly.  I’ve personally had similar and amazing results from a $30 foam roller as well as a vibrating ball.  

2. What Is Your Pain Tolerance?

If you have zero pain tolerance then a spiky foam roller or hard massage stick  or cane is going to feel so awful that you won’t want to use it much.  This is the questions that will probably help you narrow down your choices considerably.  For some clients a massage gun feels terrible and honestly I’ve never been a huge fan either but a heating vibrating ball rolled on you by a partner can provide great relief which brings us to another important question….

3. What Is Your Support Network At Home?

If you are able to use a tool all over your body on your own then this is a non issue but if you need to target hard to reach areas then you will need a willing partner or family member to help you.  This may sound silly but if you live alone or have a very busy spouse or your kids won’t help you then knowing this beforehand will help you make better choices.

4. What Is Your Motivation To Do SMR Work?

For some people the pain of being injured or having posture syndromes just isn’t high enough.  For some the body really has to break down to get motivated to do SMR on the regular.  

Other clients are highly motivated to get back to their activities pain free so they are more willing to foam roll the back, theragun their own backs and scrape the neck with stainless steel blades even when it feels like torture.  The result is worth the discomfort.  

Knowing Yourself & Your Body Is The Secret to Success with SMR

Knowing what self myofascial release tool to get is really a matter of knowing yourself and being honest about what you are willing to do and how often you are willing to do it.  What SMR tools have you tried and loved or hated?  Let us know in the comments if you found one that’s made a huge difference or one that you felt was a total waste of money.   Maybe you just prefer massage therapists and that’s great too if you see them regularly.  It’s all about what works for your unique body.  

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