Carb utilization genotypes and your workout results

Carb utilization genotypes and your workout results

What if every healthy meal you were eating was actually wrong for your body type, your metabolic type, your genetics and your lifestyle goals? Would you keep eating like that? Especially if it wasn't making you healthier fitter or leaner? This is one of the primary reasons clients begin working with me. They are frustrated and just tired of following diets that don’t work and that feel very restrictive and unreasonable long term. So what’s going in here? Is it your body? The answer is yes and no BUT you’ll be glad to know the solution is simple…

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My first experience with this frustrating situation was in 2000 when I tried every low carb diet on the market to lose 35 lb of post pregnancy weight. It took me nearly 2 years of trial and error with eating plans and quite a few health and fitness certifications to learn that I was not a protein type and no matter how hard I pushed myself in the gym and restricted carbs the results were not going to happen ever unless I changed my eating to something that fit my unique metabolic type.

After taking a metabolic type diet test I was shocked to discover that I could eat ALL the carbs and still lose weight. Not only that I could eat less protein and still lose weight and get stronger and fitter in my late 30s than I had ever been in my 20s. I also didn’t have to kill myself in the gym anymore with hardcore lifting and hours of cardio. This was an exciting time because this experience helped me realize that ALL diet plans can work. It just depends on your genetics.

This also changed the way I addressed my clients fitness and nutrition needs and led me to start an entire blog about customizing EVERY single aspect of your fitness and eating to your unique body type, metabolic type, lifestyle, preferences and so much more. This also led to me getting certified in genetic based program design which is the best way to customize a healthy eating and fitness plan.

During my studies one of my clients shared that she had used a similar DNA plan to lose nearly 70 pounds. She was instructed to eat 65% fat 25% protein 10% carbs. I almost couldn’t believe these numbers but her results and her continued improvements in health, fitness, weight, and bodyfat are all the proof I needed using a genetic based plan approach is really the key to unlocking your healthiest fittest body. My client was 60 at the time she worked with me and is now the leanest she has ever been in her adult life.

So it’s true that your genotype for carb utilization can make or break your fitness results. But there are so many other genotypes that will provide the full picture for how to eat train recover sleep and supplement for your healthiest fittest body.

If you’ve reached your breaking point with diet plans and long hardcore workouts that are not getting you the results you want, I highly recommend getting tested or at the minimum taking the metabolic type diet test. I offer both of these services along with a comprehensive health history questionnaire that will get you on the right track with what is right for your body. Message me and let’s get started.

Tired of Diets and Weight ReGain?

Get Started with DNA Fitness and Diet Plans

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