TRX RV Fitness Tips and Workouts

TRX RV Fitness Tips and Workouts

New to TRX travel workouts and aren’t too sure how to best utilize this versatile piece of fitness gear to maximize your time spent training while traveling?  These quick TRX exercises from my new TRX RV travel fitness video along with all the tips in this blog will help you stay strong energized and injury free for all your travel adventures, whether you’re a beginner or very experienced with suspension trainer workouts.

Train For Your Travel Needs vs Your At Home Needs

What is your primary reason for taking your TRX on your travels?  Are you trying to maintain your fitness and keep your back healthy?  Are you trying to prep your body for travel adventures?  Are you using your TRX to recover from long RV drives, intense travel activities or to continue improving and transforming your body?  Knowing the why is key to planning workouts that will get you the result you want.  

There is no sense spending your vacation time doing 4 day body splits consisting of 45 minutes of just legs or 45 minutes of just chest if all you really want is to maintain strength and weight or you just want better mobility, core stability for lots of hiking and stand up paddle boarding yoga.  The TRX routine in the video here is a great one for adventure travel. It’s a bit different from the suspension training I do at home but it was exactly what I needed to keep my body prepped and pain free for all our hiking and SUP activities.

Basic TRX Exercises =  Great Fitness!

If you’re super experienced with the TRX it might be tempting to want to take all your at home gym or personal training studio moves on the road but when traveling sticking to a simple routine is your best bet.  The main reason for this is that your anchoring situation will not be familiar to you and simple suspension trainer exercises will keep you focused as well as safe.  BUT, as soon as you master various anchoring setups

like anchoring to a tree, a pole, a fence, a doorway or a vehicle and it all starts to feel as familiar as your at-home setup, you can add in more dynamic moves like all the ones from this video I filmed years ago. If you need more anchoring ideas be sure to follow my instagram @fiteatscoach where I post suspension trainer exercises that I do with clients at various outdoor locations.

Use Your Time Wisely for Better Travel Workouts

With travel workouts it’s important to be more flexible than you are with at-home or PT studio workouts.  You can train as little as 10-20 minutes in the morning plus do another quick workout in the evening.  You can also enjoy a long 60-90 minute workout -that includes strength, cardio intervals, and yoga. If you're at a location that inspires you to spend more time there why not train longer right! The trick to getting your ideal workout duration for the day is balancing your TRX travel workout with all your other travel plans.

There are days when you’ll have more down time and days where you’ll hardly have time so be as flexible as possible for consistency which is what matters most for maintaining weight, strength endurance and overall health as well as energy levels.  My TRX video here includes a quick TRX routine you can do just about anywhere.  The exercises are a bit more dynamic but can be adapted to your needs as shown in the video.      

Activate and Strengthen Workout Routine

Activate and Strengthen Workout Routine

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