fitspiration: You are worth the effort

fitspiration: You are worth the effort

“The transformation isn’t in the reward. It doesn’t happen when the dream body appears. It’s in the moments you decide you are worth doing what it takes to make it happen… But how you get to this place of deciding you are worth the effort and then doing what it takes to make it happen consistently is the biggest challenge for many clients I meet. So today we’ll be delving into some pragmatic strategies for getting the self worth mindset that will finally get that fit healthy dream body.

“Why is it so hard to be good!!!” ask many of my clients in their sessions. The answer is complicated….

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We all have behaviors that are counterproductive to our goals. ALL OF US even the fittest trainers do things that undermine our progress from unhealthy foods and drinks to dodging recovery or warmup routines and of course for most clients just doing it consistently is the biggest challenge of all. That Nike just do it slogan sounds real great until you actually have to shuffle away from the couch put your sneakers on and go move haha!

So here is the super simple practical way to start feeling like you are worth the effort it takes to get that dream body.

  1. Visualize what you want your body to look like and do. If possible create a vision board or take a picture of yourself you can’t stand and use a sharpie to draw in what you want to see over what you no longer want to see. Make yourself over on paper NOW.

  2. Write down 3 negative things you have believed about your health your body your fitness then challenge those beliefs with 3 statements that are true about you. For example:

    Common Belief “I’m just lazy and don’t like to exercise”

    Challenge: “Am I really lazy or do I get plenty of stuff done and feel too overwhelmed to add exercise to my already long to do list? Am I really a lazy exercise hater or have I just not found the right type of routine for my lifestyle and personality? Am I really avoiding exercise and thinking I’m lazy because I’m afraid of what my friends and family will think of me if I begin to change too much?

    Your beliefs about yourself are complex but if you’re willing to be honest about yourself you will begin to conquer those self limiting beliefs that are impacting your behaviors.

  3. Do what all fitness pros must do to be the best at their profession and peel your onion layers until you get to the core of why you want this transformation. Why do you want to be fit and healthy? To feel better. Why do you want to feel better? To have more energy more confidence and strength. Why do you want to have more energy, confidence and strength? To have more adventures, meet more people, have more opportunities or respect.

    Keep asking why until you can ask why no more. What is at the core of your onion will amaze you. It is rarely that generic statement I hear in consults that goes something like this “I just want to lose the fat and be healthy” . That is the most surface layer of your onion and it isn’t going to keep you motivated long term.

These strategies are very well known and used by all the top fitness pros because they happen to work so if your’e finding it hard to feel that you are worth the effort of doing what it takes to make that body transformation happen be sure to try all 3 of these strategies ASAP and let me know what you discover!

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