Protein Utilization genotypes for health and fitness results

Protein Utilization genotypes for health and fitness results

How do protein utilization genotypes impact your weight loss and fitness results? And how can you adjust protein based on your genetics and eating preferences so you reach your specific fat loss, fitness and other health goals quickly and with fewer setbacks?

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The general protein intake recommendation for clients wanting to burn fat, lose weight, build a lean strong body and improve health has been .8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.  For the average female client this would be 150 pounds x .8 grams of protein = 120 grams of protein per day.  

That translates to about 2 eggs, 2 protein shakes, 4-6 oz. of fish or chicken or steak along with protein chips or protein bar snacks.  Many clients confess that this is not an easy goal to reach daily and if your protein utilization genotype is average then eating that much protein is actually not necessary.  

It is only when your protein utilization genotype is enhanced that a high protein diet can work to boost metabolism, body composition, and fitness performance.  When you are an average to below average protein utilizer all the extra protein just goes to waste or worse gets deposited as fat and can have detrimental effects on your health.  

Some of the ways a high protein diet can wreak havoc on your healthy body goals is by creating various digestive issues that manifest as gas, bloating, constipation and poor absorption of other important nutrients and minerals.  A high protein diet that is a bad match for your DNA can also block your body’s natural detoxification process which results in low energy, cystic acne, rashes, and bad breath just to name a few issues.

Other issues with high protein eating have more to do with your unique lifestyle and preferences.  Maybe you enjoy a more plant based diet or you can’t afford buying all that protein or perhaps you don’t want to spend time preparing and eating that much protein. 

Most importantly, what if your high protein intake has not been the weight loss miracle or strong healthy body solution you imagined and what if high protein is actually stalling your progress and making you feel frustrated?

These are all very important factors to consider when calculating your protein needs.  It’s also one of the most important reasons that health and fitness seekers who have not had success on various high protein plans should consider finding out their protein utilization genotype.  It could mean the difference between needing to eat 120+ grams a day or 46 grams a day or less for  best results.

Knowing this piece of information about your DNA can be the shortcut to success you’ve been after and can make planning your healthy eating for weight loss, fitness and health goals so much easier.

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