Your strength becomes you

Your strength becomes you

Happy Mother’s Day to all the strong moms. Motherhood is an epic, transformative journey that has many highs as well as lows. It takes strength, patience, faith, trust, and the willingness to learn so much. You will spend most of motherhood being strong for others and giving of yourself but will often forget to give yourself the love and strength you so freely give your children.

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Be sure to take some time to do something nice for yourself on this day. You yourself as much as anybody deserve your love and attention. It restores your strength and teaches your kids the importance of self care too. Some ideas for you that aren’t too time consuming:

Mother’s Day Quick Self Care Ideas

  1. Get extra sleep or just lay in corpse pose for 5 min.

  2. Make yourself a refreshing spa water (see video below)

  3. Dance it out solo, with family or pets or props or all those :)

  4. Float in the pool or relax on your porch

  5. Try a new hobby or craft

  6. Walk or swim for fun not for calorie burning

  7. Dress up or dress down or luxuriate in lingerie

  8. Play a podcast, video or playlist you love

  9. Say no to anything that isn’t appealing to you

It’s your day and of course you’ll spend time with family and friends but don’t forget that self care is the best way to acknowledge all your hard work as a mom plus it will keep you going strong.

My favorite self care activity is dancing with all my flow props but I also love just sitting with my dogs on the back porch watching the clouds go by or coloring spirit animal books. But most of the time my favorite self care is some form of exercise that makes me feel energized and strong.

Strong mom workout

Walk for 5-10 minutes then do my quick mobility routine (in my video from 11 years ago) followed by one set of dumbbell rows, walking lunges with dumbbells, suspension trainer or banded jump squats, and plank walkouts. Continue with 4-8 minutes of jump rope or bike intervals then finish up with 10-20 min. of stretching.

You can repeat the circuit of strength exercise 2-4 more times and add or cut cardio and stretch time to fit your needs and goals. It’s really all about staying consistent with movement that makes you feel strong, energized, and healthy.

P.S. All my really old domains were sold off ages ago to beach body affiliates or others. I’ve been doing this mom/trainer job for a long time. Still loving every minute of it.

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Protein Utilization genotypes for health and fitness results

Exercises to restore energy and reset metabolism for a fit healthy body

Exercises to restore energy and reset metabolism for a fit healthy body