Are Your Diet Macros Right For Your Body?

Are Your Diet Macros Right For Your Body?

The secret to your ideal eating plan for your fittest leanest body is getting your macros on point. As you can see in the charts here, successful client macros can look quite different once you begin to zone in on the nutrients your unique body needs to function best. The trick with macros is to

personalize as much as you can which can mean deviating considerably from “the AMDR (acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges) developed by the DRI (dietary reference index). According to the AMDR 45–65% of your daily calories should come from carbs, 20–35% from fats and 10–35% from protein.

Here is what that looks like in grams per day on a 1400 calorie a day diet compared to the macro splits on our chart:


Macro Splits in Grams on 1400 Calories A Day

  • AMDR Macros: 175g Carb 39g Fat 87g Protein   

  • Macros Chart center: 122g Carb 23g Fat 175g Protein

  • Macros Chart right: 175g Carb 47g Fat 70g Protein 

  • Macros Chart left: 35g Carb 101g Fat 87g Protein

fiteatscoach DNA Macros.jpg

As you can see Macros can really affect how many calories you get of each nutrient and all diets have their unique macro splits which can either simplify or complicate your eating as well as your exercise plan. The results all depend on your genetics.  

Why Some Diets Can Work & Others Never Will

Ever tried a diet that worked wonders for your sister or best friend but was a total fail for you? The macronutrient ratios of that plan whether it was Keto or Mediterranean, Paleo or Plant Based were probably perfect for them but disastrous for you leaving you hungry, low energy and craving all types of things.

Maybe instead of putting on lean muscle and generating energy to run a marathon, you spent all your time counting every calorie and gained more fat and felt less healthy. Maybe the same diet that everyone in your office was using successfully for that weight loss challenge felt like complete deprivation to you.

How long did you stay on a diet that wasn’t working? Tell us in comments,

How long did you stay on a diet that wasn’t working? Tell us in comments,

Again the issue most of the time when a diet or calorie restriction is not working for weight loss, health, or fitness goals is wrong macros for that body type.  Do macros sound complicated?  Don’t worry, calculating your ideal macros is actually easier than constantly counting calories, points, carbs, or checking off food groups in a daily journal (you know, all that strict diet stuff). So how do you calculate macros for your health and fitness goals?  One way to do this is:

  • Step 1: Find your ideal calorie intake for your goals based on weight and body comp

  • Step 2: Use a macro calculator to find various macro splits like the ones in the charts

  • Step 3: Commit to trying each split for 4-12 weeks and see what works best

If you enjoy experimenting with your eating plan then you’ll have a lot of fun with this.  If you  are tired of experimenting with diets then this method is just going to feel like all the diet plans you’ve already tried so a much easier way to calculate your ideal macros is DNA testing.

“Mind Your Macros & The Calories & Diet Will Mind Itself”

Get Started with Your DNA Fitness & Diet Plan

This only requires one simple cheek swab mailed to our lab then a 3 week wait for your ideal macro chart and eating plan!  Yes, it’s that easy and for so many it’s usually the beginning of effortless healthy eating and better fitness results!  

Are you more interested in optimizing your macros now? Message me to setup a phone consultation and I can answer any questions you have or get you started with DNA testing.

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